** Payment options at checkout:

  • via PayPal/Credit Card online at time of order
  • select Cheque and follow the instructions

You do NOT need a PayPal account to pay with your credit card. If you do not have a PayPal account, simply select “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” on the PayPal login screen. (Unfortunately, in Canada, you can only pay by Credit Card.)

If you want to pay via your bank account online, you will need to have a PayPal account set up and connected to your bank account. You can open a PayPal account for free here. It can take up to 5 business days to connect with your bank account, so it’s recommended you take action on this immediately if you want it set up before placing your order.




  1. Click Select on your choice of pizza.
  2. Enter your child’s full name in the Student Full Name field (required).
  3. Select your child’s homeroom from the drop list (required).
  4. Add notes about the order – any food allergies, etc., if applicable (optional).
  5. Depending which date selection option you chose above, you will have to:
    1. All 18 dates – Skip to step 6.
    2. Select dates – Select each date(s) your child will have pizza. The total will automatically adjust as you add dates.
  6. Click Add to cart.
  7. You should see a message confirming it was added to your cart with a View Cart button. Click View Cart only when you are done adding the last order for your last child.
  8. To order the same type of pizza for more than one child, after you clicked Add to cart for the first one, change the Student’s Full Name (add “2 of 2” after their name if ordering a second pizza for the same child) change the Homeroom, adjust the dates selected (if applicable), and click Add to Cart again. You will get a warning if you try to add to cart again without changing the student name and/or homeroom. Repeat until all your children’s orders have been added to the cart. Then click View Cart.
  9. On the View Cart page
    1.  Review the order and make sure the dates are correct for the type of pizza (cheese or pepperoni). **If ordering selected dates, please double-check that you selected each date only once* per child or your child will end up with two pizzas one day and none the other! (*unless you intended to order 2, then verify each date IS selected twice! 🙂 )
    2. Ensure the homeroom and student name(s) are entered correctly.
    3. Click Proceed to Checkout.
  10. Fill out all the required fields (marked with an *).
  11. Finally, click on PROCEED TO PAYPAL to make payment online, or PLACE ORDER if paying via cheque. We will not receive your order until the order has been completed. You will receive an automated email confirmation from the website when the order is placed. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE THIS EMAIL WITHIN 10 MINUTES – double-check you completed the order and there were no errors. IF you’re sure you completed the order but still do not receive the email, please contact us.

Place your pizza lunch order