Top 10 FAQs
COVID-19 Measures in place
Please find below resources for back to school COVID-19 measures
What is the daily schedule?
9:00 - 9:05 Children get off buses
9:05 - 9:15 Homeroom Period
9:15 - 9:35 K & Grade 1 AM Recess
10:15 - 10:35 Grade 2 & 3 AM Recess
11:15 - 11:35 Grade 4, 5 & 6 AM Recess
11:35 - 12:43 Kindergarten Lunch
* Outdoors 11:35-12:05
* Lunch 12:05-12:43
11:35-12:25 Grade 1, 2 & 3 Lunch
* Outdoors 11:35 - 12:00 Grade 1
* Lunch 12:00-12:25 Grade 1
* Lunch 11:35-12:00 Grade 2 & 3
* Outdoors 12:00-12:25 Grade 2 & 3
12:35 - 1:25 Grade 4, 5 &6 Lunch
* Lunch 12:35-1:00 Grade 4 & 5
* Outdoors 1:00-1:25 Grade 4 & 5
* Outdoors 12:35-1:005 Grade 6
* Lunch 1:00-1:25 Grade 6
1:25 - 1:45 K & Grade 1 PM Recess
1:55 - 2:15 Grade 2 & 3 AM Recess
2:25 - 2:45 Grade 4, 5 & 6 AM Recess
3:45 Dismissal Bell
3:55 Buses depart
Is there a lunch service? How does it work?
Students can bring their own lunch OR can order hot lunches from Merenda Catering: They will eat in their homerooms, supervised by a lunch monitor. They do not have access to fridges or microwaves.
Is there a daycare service?
Westmount YMCA offers early drop-off at school.
Westmount YMCA, Centre Greene and Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre offer After School, PED Day, and March Break programs.
For more information:
Centre Greene (for questions contact the coordinator:
Westmount YMCA (for questions contact Jonathan Kruidbos:
Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre (for questions contact Anthony Symonds:
or Jennifer Maxwell:
Does Roslyn have a dress code?
Due to the ongoing COVID 19 situation, the Roslyn GB approved to extend the transitional year dress code to 2021- 2022. The current dress-code will remain; therefore, students will be permitted to wear the following:
- Solid navy blue or solid white or solid light blue top: blouse, shirt, t-shirt, turtleneck or polo
- OR Navy blue Roslyn Physical Education t-shirt
- Solid navy blue bottoms: plain navy blue tunic, knee-length skirt, pants, bermudas, leggings, sweatpants or cargo pants
- Solid navy blue sweater: plain solid navy blue sweater, sweatshirt or cardigan
How do we order the gym shirt?
Students will receive order forms on the first day of school.
Whom to call for what?
Absences, Early dismissals, bussing:
Front office (514) 481-5581
TRANSCO (514) 648-8625
Extra Curricular Activities:
Via front office (514) 481-5581
Early dismissal protocols
Please notify the front office (514) 481-5581, and your child's teacher (by note/email) as early as possible. Last-minute notifications are difficult to manage.
Please see our Fundraising section. Pizza lunch is our main financial driver and supports all our Spirit Events. Teacher Appreciation Week, the Helping HandS Family Fund, Health Room food and supplies, and the Born to Read program. HandS can also subsidize special workshops, cultural activities, kids' food/activities/supplies, and other needs as requested by the administration and teachers.
Roslyn School Residential Zoning
More FAQs
Back to School 2021-22 Important Information
Please click the link to open the file:
How can I volunteer?
There are multiple ways to volunteer at Roslyn. Your child’s teachers may welcome parent volunteers – ask them first! HandS coordinates all other volunteering options (health room, garden project, library, pizza lunch, and special events). Visit our volunteer section on the site!
What is the Governing Board (GB)
The governing board is a structure that creates a partnership of parents and staff in the management of the school. The governing board is not involved with the day-to-day running of the school but works with the principal in setting and implementing policy directions for programs and services that will meet the needs of the students and the community.
Functions and powers of the GB
The principal of the school is required to collaborate with the school staff on a variety of educational and pedagogical items and bring proposals to the governing board for approval. Some of these are:
• success plan, and the Management & Educational Success Agreement (MESA)
• rules of conduct and safety measures
• implementation of the basic school regulation
• time allocation for subjects
• enrichment and adaptation of programs to meet local needs
• educational activities such as field trips which change the students’ regular schedule
• implementation of student and special education services
• the use of non-teaching time for educational purposes, and extracurricular activities
• principles for determining the cost of consumable materials
As well, the GB
• must prepare an annual report on its activities for the school board and inform the community about the services provided in the school;
• adopts the school budget submitted by the principal;
• adopts the school’s educational project and oversee its implementation and evaluation;
• must make public the school’s Management & Educational Success Agreement (MESA) and the educational project
• must distribute a document to parents and staff explaining the educational project and reporting on the Management & Educational Success Agreement (MESA)
Pickup & Dropoff protocols
Please click the link to view protocols for this year:
Can my child leave alone? Can they take siblings after school?
All after-school dismissal arrangements should be made with your child’s teacher
Can my child acces the school bus?
Please visit the Roslyn Website for more information:
How can my child access extra help?
If your teacher feels your child needs extra help, the school resource department will work with you and your child to determine appropriate support. If you have concerns, please discuss with your teacher.
Is there an opportunity for enrichment?
HandS and the Administration are working to bring enrichment programs to Roslyn. Details to come. Programs may be affected by COVID-19 guidelines.
What is the average class size?
Class size varies from under 20 students in the youngest grades to around 25 in the higher grades, depending on the size of the grade.
Does the school have a library?
Please visit the Roslyn Website for more information:
Roslyn Facilities
Please visit the Roslyn Website for more information:
What are the Walker/Busser protocols?
Bussing is provided for Kindergarteners who live more than 0.6 km away and Grade 1 to 6 students who live more than 1.4 km away. Accommodation bussing is provided on a case-by-case basis. During the month of August, entitled students receive a bus pass from the School Board. Please tie it to your child’s school bag.
For more information:
How much outdoor time will my child have?
There are 3 outdoor periods during the school day. One is the morning, one during lunch time, after eating, and then a final one during the afternoon. Weather permitting.
Please visit the English Montreal School Board (ESMB) website more more information.
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Location: 4699 Ave. Westmount, Westmount QC, H3Y 1X5