Roslyn HandS Extracurricular Activities

(In order to keep the website as ‘lite’ as possible for the opening of registration, we have disabled all the other pages on the website. If you are not registering for Extracurricular Activities, please come back after Wednesday, Feburary 16th)

We are very happy to once again be able to offer a condensed 8-week lunch and after school extra curricular activities program for the SPRING of 2022.

NOTE: This year we have organized two registration sessions:

Kindergarten Only: OPENS Tuesday, February 15 @ 7am

GRADES 1-6: OPENS Wednesday, February 16 @ 7am

Spring registration will close at 7pm on Wednesday, February 23rd.

STEP 1: Log in prior to registration *Recommended*

Click on My Account in the menu to double-check that you are able to log into your account. If you have trouble logging in and aren’t able to reset your password, please contact BEFORE registration day to sort it out.

If you don’t have an account already, your account will be created at checkout, however this will take a little longer at checkout to enter all your information. If you have not already created your account, we strongly encourage you to so prior to the registration date! Please note that all existing home and school accounts which were created in the Fall of 2021 have been paid for the school year and DO NOT require any additional payments.

Step 2: Browse the activities

You can browse and preview the activities offerings by clicking on the following link
You can view activities by filtering either by lunch, after school, or grade. You CAN NOT use a combination of these filters. Then click on the day of the week you wish to view activities for.

If when you view the activity you don’t see tickets available, be sure to REFRESH at 7am!

Step 3: On Registration Day… get ‘tickets’ for the activities and proceed to checkout

You only have 30 minutes after adding the first item to your cart to checkout. After each ticket purchase, you will be redirected to the cart.

Use the menu bar across the top to go back to add more activities.

Step 4: Complete your checkout and log off the website

Prior to checking out we ask that you please review your purchases to ensure that you have no conflict. Double check your personal information and that of your child’s is accurate. Make sure that the email you enter is the best form of contact as your receipt will be sent to this email address after checking out.

We’re doing everything we can to make sure the website doesn’t get overloaded. Help us out by only staying on as long as necessary.