Keep your order receipt for the start date in September for the after school activities that your child(ren) are registered in.

NOTE: There is no longer a requirement to confirm your child’s homeroom – we have verified all the students with the class lists provided by the administration.

MUST READ: After School Supervision Program (click to read)

We are very pleased to announce that this year, after school supervision will be offered to ALL children enrolled in the after school activities program on the day(s) for which they are registered. This service is provided by the Trevor Williams Kids foundation (TWKF) and is included in the registration fees.

You will have 3 options for after school dismissal:

  • I will pick up my child at the time of dismissal from their activity.
  • My child may leave on their own once the activity is finished.
  • My child will stay in after school supervision up until 6 p.m.

You will be required to check the box confirming your agreement to this when you register your child.




Activites begin Sep. 11

Soccer – Gr 1-3

20 weeks

3:55pm - 4:55pm

Main Gym


Soccer – Gr 3-6

20 weeks

4:55 - 5:55pm

Main Gym


NEW! Intro to Music Percussions - Gr 1-6

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:00pm

Room 003


Computer Coding - Gr 3-6

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:15pm

Computer Lab


NEW! Cooking - Gr 3-6

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:15pm



NEW! Robotics EMSB Competition - Gr 3-6

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:15pm

Science Lab




Activites begin Sep. 12

Hockey/Lacrosse - Gr 1-3

20 weeks

3:55pm - 4:55pm

Main Gym


Hockey/Lacrosse - Gr 4-6

20 weeks

4:55pm - 5:55pm

Main Gym


NEW! Intro to Piano Beginner - Gr 1-2

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:00pm

Room 003


NEW! Intro to Piano Beginner - Gr 3-6

20 weeks

5:00pm - 6:00pm

Room 003


NEW! Ballet - Gr 1-3

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:15pm

Mini Gym


Garden Club - Gr 3-6

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:15pm

Back Room




Activites begin Sep. 13

Martial Arts - Gr 1-3

20 weeks

3:55pm - 4:55pm

Main Gym


Martial Arts - Gr 4-6

20 weeks

4:55pm - 5:55pm

Main Gym


NEW! Intro to Piano Beginner - Gr 1-6

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:00pm

Room 003


Dance and Motion - Gr 1-3

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:00pm

Mini Gym


NEW! STEAM Engineering - Gr 3-6

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:15pm

Science Lab


NEW! Cooking - Gr 3-6

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:15pm



Graffiti - Gr 3-6

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:15pm

Room 001




Activites begin Sep. 14

Basketball - Gr 1-3

20 weeks

3:55pm - 4:55pm

Main Gym


Basketball - Gr 4-6

20 weeks

4:55pm - 5:55pm

Main Gym


NEW! Intro to Guitar Beginner - Gr 1-6

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:00pm

Room 003


NEW! Intro to Guitar Beginner - Gr 3-6

20 weeks

5:00pm - 6:00pm

Room 003


NEW! Science Exploration - Gr 1-3

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:00pm

Science Lab


Sewing – Gr 3-6

20 weeks

3:45pm - 5:15pm

Room 001
