Who We AreOur executive committee is comprised of volunteer members who have been nominated/elected to the following roles:
- President
- Vice-President
- Treasurer
- Membership
- Secretary
- Communications
- Member-at-Large
Though these members tend to drive and support the direction of Home & School for the year, decisions that regard activities, events, fundraisers and the like are voted and decided upon by all present Home & School members in good standing and not just the executive.

reasons to join hands
- Your child benefits
- Be in the know
- Tap into a network
- You can be part of the solution
- Meet other parents
- Feel a sense of pride
- Have fun while doing good
- Your voice can be heard
- Share your skills
- Help in your community
Throughout the years, we have been fortunate to have had a good mix of experienced Home & School members who know what’s tried, tested and true, and newer members who bring new ideas and insight to our ventures. All this allows us to provide continuous, evolving and effective support to our school community. We are always looking for new members who bring their own perspective and talents to the table. Please consider joining us!
Our Executive & coordinators
Meet Your HandS Leaders

Debbie Stock

Vice Chair

Fleurette Sydney

Tanya Bee

Leah Trineer
Membership Chair and QFHSA Representative

Erin Smith
Communications Coordinator

Natalie Turner
Volunteer Coordinator

Rachelle Lee Hauser
Extra-Curricular Activities Coordinator

Sabrina Lajoie
Health Room Coordinator

Jessica Di Giacomo
Pizza Lunch Coordinator

Sarah Rivest
Pizza Lunch Coordinator

Amanda Daluiso
Pizza Lunch Coordinator

Pizza Lunch Coordinator

Amanda Barnett
Garden Project Coordinator

New Position! Vacant
Events Coordinator

Sarah Rivest
Website Manager
Active H&S members
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: 4699 Ave. Westmount, Westmount QC, H3Y 1X5
Email: info@roslynhands.ca